Hapro X10 SLI Intensive
£26450.00 +VAT
Hapro, one of the major Dutch manufacturers, produce a range of high quality sunbeds.
The Luxura X10 is a large range sunbed, and is the flagship of the fleet.
Resplendant in Crystal White, Pearl White or Arctic Blue, this sunbed will give the right appearance in your salon. An optional feature of this sunbed is "Admoresphere" featuring Ambient Flowlight with 15 flow programs which constantly change the colour of your sunbed.
High performance tanning is ensured with 46 tubes and 4 x 520 watt HP Facials.
As standard, this bed features Contour Plus acrylics, Display lights, Deco Lights, Adjustable Face Tanners, Quickstart, Smart Cooling, Easylift acrylics, 8 step adjustable body cooling and a very sophisticated music system.
IP Control is an optional feature of this sunbed and optimises the power supply to increase the tannng at the same time as giving longer life to the tubes, but using less electricity.
Extra features such as XSens, QSens and Climate can be ordered to enhance your sunbed.
Control of this sunbed can be with a token meter or an electronic reception control from any of the proprietary makes.
This model is also available with the option of 52 tubes and 4 HP facials.
Tech Spec: Base: 20 x 120 watt, 2 metre tubes.
Canopy: 26 x 160 watt, 6' tubes.
Facials: 4 x 520 watt HP Facials.
Size: 2320 x 1440 mm
Power: 15000 watts, 25 amps per phase, 3 phase.