Hapro X7, 42 SLI High Intensive
£8500-00 +VAT
This Luxura X7 is in Crystal White with great detailing to enhance the look. More importantly, this particular X7 has only done 270 hours from new and is immaculate.
42 x tubes for a great tan plus 4 x 400 watt Sli Facial tanners which are controllable.
Smart touch control and 8 step body and face cooling system.
Shaped perspexes for comfortable tanning.
Sound Around Plus with MP3 system to enjoy your music.
Decorshield, Brandshield, Centreline and Connectline to enhance the look.
Crystal White sunbed with Ambient FlowLight colour display makes this sunbed look stunning.
Control of the sunbed can be with a token meter or by an electronic reception control from any of the proprietary makes.
Tech Spec: Base: 18 x 180 watt, 2 metre tubes.
Canopy: 24 x 160 watt, 6' tubes.
Facials: 4 x 400 watt HP Facials.
Size: 2300 x 1360 mm.
Power: 9700 watts, 44 amps, single phase, OR
16 amps per phase, 3 phase.