Hapro X5, SLI Intensive
£3500-00 +VAT
This X5 is a medium range sunbed and features 34 tubes and 3 x 400 HP facial tanners in this format.
It provides a solid performance and is in Pale Metallic Blue.
The sunbed is in good overall condition and ready for work. It will be completely retubed prior to delivery.
Control can be with a token meter or an electronic reception control from any of the proprietary makes.
Tech Spec: Base: 16 x 120 watt, 2 metre tubes.
Canopy: 18 x 160 watt, 6' tubes
Facials: 3 x 400 watt HP Facials
Size: 2300 x 1360 mm
Power: 8300 watts, 40 amps, single phase.