Ergoline Avantegard 600 Turbo
£7250.00 +VAT
The Avantegarde is possibly the most popular sunbed Ergoline ever produced. With 47 powerful 160 watt tubes and 3 x 500 watt HP facial tanners together with a head and shoulder tanner, this sunbed will give a glorious tan. It has a wave form base perspex for ultra comfort. This Avantegarde is a Series 2 unit and has been fitted with a new base perspex.
Shown in Graphite with a black, toughened glass top to the canopy, and Metallic Blue lips and detailing, this sunbed will be a great addition to any salon. It also has 7 display bulbs to give a good visual effect with the top of the glass canopy backlit from underneath.
It features a voice guide and an inbuilt music system.
Also included is a dedicated Ergoline ducting system.
Base: 21 x 160 watt tubes
Canopy: 26 x 160 watt tubes
Facials: 3 x 500 watt
Shoulder Tanner: 7 x 25 watt tubes
Power: 13 kw, 3 Phase, 25 amps/phase.
Dimensions: 2350 x 1410 mm.